Tuesday, June 17, 2014

You Can Go Home Again!

As the saying goes "Home Is Where the Heart Is" and if that saying is correct then my best friend Crystal is going home.  She is leaving to start a new adventure, the next chapter in her life and although I will miss her immensely I couldn't be happier for her.  Because it is not about me it is about her and about being the friend who is completely and utterly selfless.

California is her destination and within that her destiny.  It is where she was born, raised and grew into a young woman.  California is her happy place, where she finds peace.  It is where she fits.

Crystal is a cali-girl.  She's flip flops and shorts, no socks and a hoodie.  She is an artist, trendy yet classy.  She has a style that sets her apart.  But what I admire the most is her heart, the desires of her heart and her warrior spirit.  She is one of the most courageous women I know.  She is a survivor.  To know her is to know that.

We have lived, loved, lost and laughed.  Together we have seen the very best in people and unfortunately the very worst.  We have seen the very best in each other and accepted the dysfunction.  But the secret to our past, present and future is to know that there are some bonds that just won't break no matter how hard the universe tries.

So my dearest Crystal these are the things I wish for you:

1.  Safe travels.
2.  A peaceful place to lay your head.
3.  Surroundings that will feed your soul.
4.  A stage where your talents can shine.
5.  People who will wonder what makes you so different and the kindness of strangers
6.  Blessings that overflow in every facet of your life.
7,  And the patience of the King to know that everything works to the good of those who love Him.

My heart goes with you, my prayers are for you, that no one can be against you.

Friday, May 30, 2014

A Long Distance List


"Add it to the list!" is a real-time list that began when my friend Katie moved to North Carolina.  As avid list makers it seemed like the only option to keep everything we needed to catch up on in one easy to reference place (sticky notes). 

And so it began... we use the list for everything and there is no set order.  Which is an oxymoron because aren't list makers super, over-the-top compulsive control freaks who can be easily distracted like a cat to a laser pointer.

We add items or issues to discuss as we go along.  If the lack of time to talk is a factor we will call and email each other with just a simple subject title "Item for the List".  Here are some of the most recent items: use of a semi-colon, use of the three dots (please see above) or ellipses that have been completely over used, greatest find yet at Goodwill, best new book I have read or am reading, what we should or should not do about the IRS, social injustice, what direction is our country leaning, global issues, I love Facebook, I hate Facebook, and of course my favorite what is JK doing?

Then when we have time to talk on the phone we just refer to the list and talk through as many items and add more until one of us has to the eat, use the bathroom or until we kill one of our phones by means of letting the battery die a slow painful death.

So this is my virtual list!

**Caution - sarcasm and self-deprecating is included!


1.  "To Enjoy or Not to Enjoy?" that is entirely up to you.
2.  "Agree to Disagree" completely respectful.
3.  To join the excessive frivolity where we all find it appropriate is completely welcomed.
4.  Nasty comments will be begrudgingly ignored as I endure to maintain my self-respect.